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Proficiency tests: how to prepare for them

  How to prepare for English proficiency tests? How to prepare for English proficiency tests? As we all know, immersion is the best way to learn a new language. But it is still possible to immerse yourself in English and prepare for tests from the comfort of your home. Here are 10 Ways to Prepare for Your English Proficiency Test from your home. 1. Sign up for an online language exchange. 2. Change your smartphone language to English. 3. Take free practice tests to familiarize yourself with the exam format. 4. Use language-learning apps like Memrise and Busuu. 5. Label items in your home to improve your vocabulary. 6. Write short stories or keep a journal in English. 7. Read books, magazines, and articles in English 8. Watch TV shows and movies without subtitles. 9. Listen to podcasts or radio shows in English. 10. Talk to yourself or your pets in English for speaking practice. Can you think of other practical tips? Share

Famous quotes that can change your life

   Famous quotes that can change your life by: Ghandi, R. W. Emerson, Mother Theresa or John Eliot Source: Extract from the article: “Within you lies a wellspring of potential that can transform your life into an incredible journey. Each decision you make, each risk you take, is a step forward toward that transformation. By embracing your challenges and the opportunities for growth and learning they bring, you build the stepping stones to greatness. Start believing in your limitless potential and don’t fear failure; instead, use it as a catapult to reach heights you never thought possible. You have the ability, right now, to change your life and make it extraordinary. Here are 10 quotes that can help you do just that if you adapt them to your life.” #englishlanguage #English #communication #englishtips #quotesoftheday #quotestoliveby   #wisdom

Practice English at work

  Practice English at work English is the international language of business. So, a basic knowledge of English is needed in most workplaces. So improving your English can help you socialize and perform your job better. Here are 10 Ways to help you use and improve your English at work. 1. Avoid getting stuck in conversations. 2. Focus on learning English related to your job. 3. Treat practicing English at work as your second job. 4. Keep speaking until you are understood. 5. Listen attentively to understand others. 6. Prepare for common workplace situations in English. 7. Ask questions to clarify and learn from coworkers. 8. Learn and practice the language related to your workplace. 9. Find a colleague to practice English with. 10. Use English after work. Watch the video: Share your feedback in the comments. Adapted from:

Learn new vocabulary with pictures and flashcards

  Use flashcards to learn vocabulary How to Use Flashcards to Learn New Words? 1. Flashcards are a great tool for improving vocabulary. 2. Flashcards are inexpensive and easy to make. 3. They help you identify what you need to practice more. 4. Writing and self-evaluating with flashcards consolidate vocabulary learning. 5. Flashcard revision is fun and doesn't require much time. 6. Flashcards are more entertaining than classical revision methods. Tips for using flashcards include: adding examples and saying words out loud. 1. Adding drawings and reviewing regularly are also helpful. 2. You can take flashcards wherever you go, and you can use them whenever you have a bit of free time. 3. Shuffling the pile of cards and using the waterfall method are also effective strategies. 4. Remember to keep flashcard review sessions under 20 minutes. 5. Flashcards can also be used in group activities for added fun and engagement. 6. Share if you like. Check the article in the desc

Idioms for everyday conversation

  English idioms for everyday conversation 1. "To miss the boat" means to miss an opportunity. 2. "To beat around the bush" means to avoid addressing a topic directly. 3. "To see eye to eye" means to completely agree with someone. 4. "To take it with a pinch of salt" means to not take something too seriously. 5. "Once in a blue moon" means something happens rarely. 6. "To spill the tea" means to share gossip. 7. "The ball is in your court" means it's someone else's turn to make a decision. 8. "To twist someone's arm" means to persuade or coerce someone. 9. "To stab someone in the back" means to betray someone's trust. 10. "To go cold turkey" means to quit something abruptly. 11. "To face the music" means to confront a situation and accept the consequences. 12. "To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth" means to be born rich. 13. &

How to find native speakers online

  How to find native speakers online? How to Find Native Speakers to Practice With, online and for Free? 1. iTalki: helps you findind language partners to exchange lessons for free. You teach them your language, and they teach you theirs which would be English in this case. 2. LingoGlobe: is a language exchange community with forums and live chat. There is a discussion forum for each language where all the learners of that language can discuss the language together. 3. Speaky: here you can instantly learn and exchange languages with people worldwide. You just search for the perfect language partner and then simply exchange your language skills. 4. Busuu: Here you can access exercises, tasks, dictionaries, and chat with other learners. You can chat with these users for free, and make use of the dictionary to learn the language. 5. Polyglot Club: is a language exchange site with lessons and community interaction. It also offers

Practical English Learning Goals

Practical English Learning Goals. Remember to set clear and reachable English learning goals to motivate yourself. Goal #1: Learn a new phrasal verb each day. Goal #2: Listen to a new song with lyrics each day. Goal #3: Find a podcast you like. Goal #4: Read a book in English. Goal #5: Improve your academic English vocabulary. Goal #6: Learn regional slang. Goal #7: Tell some jokes to understand English better. Goal #8: Fix fossilized errors in your language. Goal #9: Read menus better to explore new food. Goal #10: Have fun and love learning English. Can you think of other practical and achievable English learning goals? Share them in the comments. Adapted from: Here is the introduction from the original article: “Are you trying to improve your English outside of the classroom? Setting reachable English goals is a great way to motivate yourself and quickly se

Top free language websites in 2023

أفضل المواقع المجانية لتعلم اللغات لسنة 2023 Best free language learning websites in 2023 Best free language learning websites in 2023 Adapted from: 10 Best Free Language Learning Websites of 2023 1. Duolingo: offers a wide range of languages and interactive learning. 2. Memrise: provides user-generated content and leaderboards for motivation. 3. Busuu: offers structured lessons and social interaction with native speakers. 4. 123TeachMe: focuses on learning Spanish through games and quizzes. 5. Mango Languages: offers free access through libraries and interactive lessons. 6. FSI Languages Courses: provide comprehensive language courses developed by the U.S. government. 7. Internet Polyglot: is a flashcard game with lessons and various games. 8. provides basic language learning lessons. 9. MIT's Global Languages: offers a range of

Learn English with movies

  Learn English with movies #learnenglish #learnenglishonline #learnenglish_easily #learnenglishwithus #learnenglishwithme #learnenglishnow #letslearnenglish #learnenglishfaster #learnenglisheasily #learnenglisheveryday #howtolearnenglish #learnenglishtogether #learnenglishwithfun #learnenglishoninstagram #learnenglishinmalta #learnenglishwords #learnenglishlanguage #ilearnenglish #learnenglishprofessionally #learnenglishabroad #learnenglishtoday #learnenglisheasy #learnenglishvocabulary #welearnenglish #learnenglishgrammar #learnenglishfree #keepcalmandlearnenglish #learnenglishcali #learnenglishwithsusan #learnenglishkids #learnenglishisfun #learnenglishinengland #learnenglishhere #learnenglishbetter #learnenglishright #easywaytolearnenglish #learnenglishfast #learnenglishcoaching #learnenglishwithmovies #learnenglishwithlucy How can you learn English from movies? 1. Follow your film interests to learn English. Don’t ask “How can

How to learn from mistakes

  How to learn from mistakes How To Learn From Your Mistakes and Achieve Better Results? Remember that making mistakes can be a valuable learning opportunity. Learning from mistakes is also important for personal and professional growth. So try to keep these tips in mind while you're learning. 1. Apologizing and acknowledging mistakes show responsibility and respect. 2. Analyzing mistakes helps identify the cause and find solutions. 3. Seeking feedback and advice from others can provide valuable insights. 4. Finding lessons in mistakes helps improve skills and work performance. Ask yourself: what lesson did I learn from this mistake? 5. Making a plan to apply those lessons can prevent future mistakes. 6. Teaching others what you've learned helps prevent repeated mistakes. 7. Reflecting on your progress will help you perceive mistakes as positive opportunities for improvement and growth. 8. Keep a positive learning min

How to think English

  Train Your Brain to Think in English. Would you like to train your brain to think in English? Try these tips. Share if you like.

How to your use your dictionary efficiently

  How to Use your dictionary efficiently? Check these 12 Steps. Watch the video. #learnenglish #Englishteachers #studyenglish  1. Choose the right dictionary for your needs. 2. Read the introduction to understand how entries are arranged. 3. Learn the abbreviations used in the definitions. 4. Familiarize yourself with the guide to pronunciation. 5. Find the section of the dictionary with the first letter of your word. 6. Pay attention to the guide words at the top of the page. 7. Scan down the page to locate your word. 8. Read the definition, pronunciation, and part of speech. 9. Look for synonyms, antonyms, and related words. 10. Consider using an online dictionary for convenience. 11. Use the dictionary to find other useful information and facts related to your search. 12. Have fun: Open the dictionary at any page and read, or play dictionary games with friends. Share your feedback in the comments. How to use a dictiona

Top free language learning apps for 2023

  Top free language learning apps in 2023 Top 10 Free Language Learning Apps You Need in 2023. 1. Duolingo: Best for busy learners, useful for more than 20 languages 2. Beelinguapp: Best for reading skills, includes 13 languages 3. Memrise: Best for word association, for over 200 languages 4. Busuu: Best for community support, helps with 12 languages 5. 50Languages: Best for beginners, for over 50 languages 6. Mondly: Best for innovative features, includes 33 languages. 7. Innovative Language: Best all-in-one app, with over 30 languages. 8. Drops: Best for building vocabulary, for over 45 languages. 9. LingQ: Best for audio learners, includes 42 languages. 10. Tandem: Best for obscure languages, useful for over 300 languages. Check the article in the description for more information about the apps. Share if you like. More related resources are available here: Source: https://www

American or British English? What you need to know

  American or British English? What you need to know? British and American English have more similarities than differences. But there are some key distinctions, which can be grouped into four categories. 1. Spelling is a major distinction, with variations in words like "colour" and "honor." ”Words like “theatre” and “metre” in the U.K. are spelled “theater” and “meter” in the U.S. The British also use a “t” at the end of many past tense verbs (e.g. “learnt”) while Americans use the “-ed” (e.g. “learned”). 2. Vocabulary also differs. Common examples: "vacation" vs "holiday" and "pants" vs "trousers." or soccer vs. football 3. Grammar rules vary as well, like plural noun and verb agreement. British English speakers also use the present perfect tense more often than Americans, who frequently use the simple past tense. Prepositions are also used differently at times. In the U.S, I say I stud

Earthquakes around the world: daily updates The link provides detailed information about earthquakes that happened, near inhabited areas, all over the world within the last 24 hours. The information is updated 6 times a day. You also have an interactive map where you can click on any country/region and get more data about it. You can also get more information about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, or tropical storms.

Top podcasts to learn English

  Top podcasts to learn English Related resources are available here: Adapted from: Top 10 podcasts to help you improve your English Podcasts are a popular way to learn a language. They can be listened to during daily activities. Podcasts expose you to different accents and dialects. Many free podcasting apps are available. Subscribe to your favorite podcasts to stay updated. 1. Espresso English offers advice on English grammar and vocabulary. 2. Coffee Break English is suitable for beginners and focuses on speaking. 3. All Ears English covers various topics and IELTS preparation. 4. Luke's English Podcast is great for British English learners. 5. Stories Podcast features simple stories for language practice. 6. SEND7 provides

How to say 'please' differently?

How can you say ‘please’ differently? Watch the video   "Seeking a new way to ask a favor? Try these ten alternatives to 'please'. First, 'Could you kindly?'. It’s polite, yet firm. Second, 'Would you mind?'. It’s empathetic and considerate. Third, 'May I ask you?'. It’s direct, yet respectful. Fourth, 'I would appreciate if you could'. Shows gratitude in advance. Fifth, 'Could I possibly?'. It’s humble and courteous. Sixth, 'If it’s not too much trouble'. It’s thoughtful and appreciative. Seventh, 'If you could, please'. It’s clear, yet considerate. Eighth, 'I’d be grateful if you could'. It’s thankful and polite. Ninth, 'If you’d be so kind'. It’s gracious and respectful. Lastly, 'Could I trouble you for?'. It’s considerate and respectful. So next time you want to make your communication more effective, try some of these expressions! More resou

Learn English with news

  Learn English with news Would you like to develop your English with daily news? Try these TV news channels, available also as mobile apps. Click here to check more resources on news channels 1. BBC News / BBC World News, English dialect: British 2. Channel 4 News, English dialect: British 3. Sky News, English dialect: British 4. Al Jazeera, English dialect: Multiple 5. HuffPost, English dialect: American 6. CNN, English dialect: American 7. Vice, English dialect: Canadian 8. Quartz, English dialect: All 9. Digital Spy, English dialect: British 10. The New York Times, English dialect: American Adapted from: Extract from the original article: “Staying up-to-date with the latest world developments is vital, but what if you’re not fluent in English and find it hard to understand some of the stories? Spen

How long to learn English

  How long does it take to learn English? You need about a year to acquire a decent level so that you can work in English. But the time needed depends on various factors, such as: age, current level, target level, language(s) you already speak, commitment or motivation.  In general, you need about 70 hours to get from zero level to A1, and about 200 hours of practice for each of the six kevels, from A1 to C2, which makes a total of 1120 hours, and 720 hours of instruction to get to B2 level, which is needed to work in English. Watch the video: For more details, you may check the link here :,least%205%20hours%20a%20day other resources are available on my website/app:   Extracts from the article: “A beginner can learn English in a year. That’s pretty fast, although not as fast as s

Practice English Speaking Alone

 Practice English Speaking Alone Would you like to practice English speaking alone? Try these practical tips! More resources are available here: 1. Practice pronunciation by speaking in front of a mirror 2. Read aloud to improve understanding of written and spoken English 3. Repeat sentences from videos with native speakers 4. Speak aloud in English as you go about your day 5. Memorize and recite passages from poems or speeches 6. Practice tongue twisters for problematic pronunciation 7. Record yourself speaking and listen for pronunciation issues 8. Learn English songs and sing along to improve pronunciation 9. Use dictation apps to practice pronunciation and check for errors 10. Set virtual assistants to English language mode for pronunciation practice 11. Watch shows in English with subtitles and speak along with the characters 12. Narrate sports games in English or translate

Learn English Grammar: Basic Rules

  Learn English Grammar: Basic Rules Would you like to master basic English grammar? Check these rules. 1. Write complete sentences with a subject and a verb. 2. Make sure that your subjects and verbs agree. 3. Link your ideas with conjunctions or semicolons to create compound sentences. 4. Use commas correctly and consider using a serial comma when necessary. 5. Use active voice to make your sentences clear and concise. 6. Use the correct verb tense for the time period you're describing. 7. Keep your verb tense consistent throughout your writing. 8. Use apostrophes only for possessive nouns and contractions. 9. Differentiate between homophones. 10. Use end punctuation correctly to convey the desired tone. Can you think of other important rules? Add them in the Comments. Share if you like. Follow for more! Adapted from: You may also want to practice your English grammar for fre

Improve your English level from B1 to C1

  Improve your English level from B1 to C1. A. Video available here: B. Adapted from : C. You may find other resources on how to improve your English level on my website here: 10 Practical Tips to Help You Boost Your English Level from B1 to C1 List of tips: First, set specific, measurable goals for improvement After that, create a study plan that fits your schedule and learning style Later, join an English-speaking group to practice speaking skills Find an English tutor or sign up for an online program Use language learning apps as a supplementary tool Read books in English that interest you at an appropriate level Practice speaking with native speakers and immerse yourself in the language Watch movies, TV shows, and listen to podcasts in English Stay consistent and dedicated to your English learning jou

Improve your speaking with these tips

Improve speaking skills How to improve your English speaking skills: Try these 8 tips. 1. Practice speaking with different people as much as you can. This is essential for improving your oral English. 2. Reflect on conversations. This helps increase your confidence and identify areas for improvement. 3. Listen to music, podcasts, and read books to acquire more vocabulary. 4. Prepare cheat sheets for specific situations to gain further confidence. 5. Start with phone conversations to overcome challenges and practice new vocabulary. 6. Record your voice and get feedback to help you identify areas you need to work on. 7. When speaking, use phrases rather than single words to improve your fluency. 8. Make speaking practice fun by talking to yourself, singing along to songs, and doing tongue twisters. Share if you like. Follow for more! More resources on speaking are available on my website and app: You may also check the resources