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Showing posts from December 1, 2023

Idioms for everyday conversation

  English idioms for everyday conversation 1. "To miss the boat" means to miss an opportunity. 2. "To beat around the bush" means to avoid addressing a topic directly. 3. "To see eye to eye" means to completely agree with someone. 4. "To take it with a pinch of salt" means to not take something too seriously. 5. "Once in a blue moon" means something happens rarely. 6. "To spill the tea" means to share gossip. 7. "The ball is in your court" means it's someone else's turn to make a decision. 8. "To twist someone's arm" means to persuade or coerce someone. 9. "To stab someone in the back" means to betray someone's trust. 10. "To go cold turkey" means to quit something abruptly. 11. "To face the music" means to confront a situation and accept the consequences. 12. "To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth" means to be born rich. 13. &