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Job interviews: tips for success

  How to succeed at a job interview in English Adapted from: #learn english #study English #howto #interview 10 Tips to Succeed in a Job Interview in English. 1. Remember that speaking English fluently is an advantage in job interviews. 2. Prepare for the interview by researching the company. 3. Practice answering common interview questions in English. 4. Avoid memorizing answers and sounding unnatural. 5. Simulate the interview with a friend or record yourself. 6. Speak slowly and clearly during the interview. 7. Learn how to create an English CV and how to succeed in your job search. 8. Familiarize yourself with common interview questions in English. 9. Be prepared to answer questions about your strengths and weaknesses. 10. Ask questions at the end of the interview to show interest in the job. Can you think of other useful tips for in

How to improve your English listening skills

  How to improve your listening skills #learn english #study English #English teacher #listening #communication #howto Randall ESL Lab focusses on everyday comprehension skills. Useful for 3 levels: easy, Intermediate and advanced. Listening lessons are presented in 3 steps, pre, while and post-listening tasks. The platform also includes a section on “Culture videos”. Background information on author: "I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Spanish education more than 30 years ago, followed by a master’s degree in TESL. During the first few years of my career, I worked in a variety of teaching and training positions in the United States before moving to Japan. During the next eight years, I taught English, intercultural studies, and computer literacy at several colleges and universities. A change of jobs brought me back to Utah in the United States where I now work. Since the beginning of my profes

Best language learning apps in 2024

  Best language learning apps in 2024 Adapted from: Extract from the article: Are you looking for the best apps to learn languages? I know that learning a new language can be a challenging process, especially if you don’t have access to a teacher or can’t attend in-person classes. However, with the best language apps, you can study and practice anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace. Lack of time, difficulty finding classes in your region or the cost of private classes can be largely solved with a good language app, giving you a personalized, interactive and effective learning experience. Duolingo is one of the most popular and widely used language apps around the world. This free application allows you to learn more than 30 languages ​​effectively and entertainingly, with a teaching methodology based on games and challenges. The app adapts to your skill level, allowing you

Tongue twisters to improve your pronunciation

  Tongue twisters to improve your pronunciation Tongue twisters are phrases that are challenging to say out loud. They are a great tool for improving fluency and pronunciation. There are four types of tongue twisters: rapid alternation, alliteration, compound words, and rapid repetition. Examples of tongue twisters: 1. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he? 2. Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins. 3. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. 4. If you must cross a coarse cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully. 5. The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. 6. Rory the Warrior and Roger the Worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery. 7. A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. 8. He threw three free throws. 9. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

What accent to adopt? British or American?

  What accent to adopt when learning English What English Accent Should I Learn? British or American? English is widely spoken globally, with British and American accents being the main focus. The British accent includes various accents, with Received Pronunciation being common. The American accent is widely used globally, especially in movies and music. American accents have minimal variations compared to British accents. American English is more widely used as a second language. American accents are easier to understand across different regions. However, if you have an affinity for the British accent, it is still valuable to learn. If you decide to learn the American accent, check these tips: 1. Get as much exposure to the American accent as possible. 2. Learn the correct pronunciation right from the start. 3. Focus on the characteristics of the American accent and practice with conversation partners. 4. Practise with Ame

Proficiency tests: how to prepare for them

  How to prepare for English proficiency tests? How to prepare for English proficiency tests? As we all know, immersion is the best way to learn a new language. But it is still possible to immerse yourself in English and prepare for tests from the comfort of your home. Here are 10 Ways to Prepare for Your English Proficiency Test from your home. 1. Sign up for an online language exchange. 2. Change your smartphone language to English. 3. Take free practice tests to familiarize yourself with the exam format. 4. Use language-learning apps like Memrise and Busuu. 5. Label items in your home to improve your vocabulary. 6. Write short stories or keep a journal in English. 7. Read books, magazines, and articles in English 8. Watch TV shows and movies without subtitles. 9. Listen to podcasts or radio shows in English. 10. Talk to yourself or your pets in English for speaking practice. Can you think of other practical tips? Share

Famous quotes that can change your life

   Famous quotes that can change your life by: Ghandi, R. W. Emerson, Mother Theresa or John Eliot Source: Extract from the article: “Within you lies a wellspring of potential that can transform your life into an incredible journey. Each decision you make, each risk you take, is a step forward toward that transformation. By embracing your challenges and the opportunities for growth and learning they bring, you build the stepping stones to greatness. Start believing in your limitless potential and don’t fear failure; instead, use it as a catapult to reach heights you never thought possible. You have the ability, right now, to change your life and make it extraordinary. Here are 10 quotes that can help you do just that if you adapt them to your life.” #englishlanguage #English #communication #englishtips #quotesoftheday #quotestoliveby   #wisdom